Is Braq Obama, going to Nationalize the Banks, like they are in Saudi Arabia and The Peoples Republic of China?

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I never was a fan of J P Morgan's Federalized Banks controlling our monetary system.

Will Obama take over the Banks just like the "leader" of Social Democracy did for Germany in the 1930's

Banks in Republic, OH

Answer (11):


No, that would be "treason". OH WAIT. That's already happened.

Sir Studley Smugley

No. He just wants to make sure that the banks are operating in a legal, ethical way, and that their business practices don't undermine the rest of the economy. The bankers were taking extremely arge risks, and while profits were large fo a while, it ended up dragging the whole country down.

TARP was a Bush baby, aimed in large part at increasing liquidity so that banks could start lending money to business again. The banks didn't use the money for loans, even now, it's like pulling teeth for a business to get a loan - and this stinginess is choking off a recovery. The bailout recipients, icluding GM, are making a good effort at paying back the money.

Deregulation has permitted the banks to work however they like, wit no regard to what's in the nation's best interests. The implosion in '08 was due in large part to bankers gone wild. The banks MUST go back to participating in the economy if the US has a chance to get back on its feet economically.

Rules for operation need to be set out, and those rules must be enforced by the regulators. It will happen again - (it happened before during the savings and loan crisis in the '80s) if banks don't start actingin the best interests of the country as a whole - not just the greedy self-interests of bankers.

There's no need to nationalize the banks, just rein them in a little.


That was the accusation made by many conspiracy minded conservatives which is ironic since the Tarp money given to banks was legislation passed by Bush.

But now the banks are paying the money back which eliminates the government's interests. We do need banking reform to stop the wild speculation that occurred over the last several years and to get credit back into economy so businesses can grow.

So the simple answer is no the government is not going to nationalize banks.

Ben Dover

He doesn't want to do that. Some banks have already paid off the government loans, and the taxpayers have netted $20 billion in profit. He just wants safeguards in place so the events of the past 2 years won't be repeated.


Amazing how people here use the word treason incorrectly. But yes, I agree with Obama trying to assert some control of the banking industry. After all, they made "tremendous contribution" to our economic mess today.

Paul Grass™

Yes our dear leader has that plan in mind! But we will not sit still for much more of his antics, for he has awakened the silent majority!!
May God Bless you and Have a Merry Chritsmas, Semper Fi

Who now?

I hope so. The people deserve better than what the banks have been doing.


i love how so many Americans on this site see something they've been told is socialist and immediately jump to the most extreme example to try and prove it's a bad idea.

you'll grow up eventually, give it a couple of hundred years...


No, the banks are going to keep running wild until we have to bail them out again in the future.


He should if the Banks continue to stonewall this country economy.


No, that opportunity was passed upon last Winter.

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