Is Barclays Bank in trouble?

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Is there any reason to feel particularly worried about having savings/shares in Barclays bank at the moment? I notice its getting a savaging in the press for spending £500,000 for its bankers on a jolly to the banks of Lake...

Answer (4):

Lucky Ellie

All the banks are in trouble and we are all doomed


A couple of weeks ago Barclays brought shares in Merrill Lynch and saved the American investment house from turning belly up. I would assume Barclays cash flow is healthy. Here in the states to they jeered an AIG junket where executives spent close to a half million dollars. Commoners enjoy reading about the abusive behavior of the rich, it makes sparkling ink.

London NW3

Barclays is one of the safer,better run banks in the world at the moment.

mamas mooiste

all banks are in trouble, even the good ones.

Relevant answer in Como, CO