Answer (10):

Elizabeth Y

Check this out. It will send chills up your spine.


Not as concerned as the fact that this is a bipartisan mess.

The bill you speak of passed by vote of 90-1 (including Biden voting yes) and Clinton signing it. It clearly had bipartisan support. What is interesting is that it's intentions were good (trying to allow poor people a chance at a home mortgage loan) and that it was a modification of Carter's Community Rejuvenation Act of 1977.

It is part of the Senate record (USSENATE.GOV, S.109) that McCain tried to regulate Freddy and Fannie back in 2005 and both parties said NO. Look it up for yourself. This is how I make my decision on these issues.

Senator Maxx E. Padds ™

McCain should be hidinf Phil Gramm more than he is hiding Palin.

Gramm is punk thug with a Ph.D and he screwed America with his cotton headed conservatism.

Ethel M

Yes, and McCain had Phil Gramm write his economy package.

McCain drives me Insane

Phil "Enron" Gramm is the number one reason why I don't trust McCain's judgment.


Yes. Their greed has caught up with them but is hurting millions of Americans. McCain/Bush gave big tax breaks to the wealthiest, big corporation and oil companies. The Republican leader has f--k the middle and lower class. ~:>


Yes, very much so. But that wasn't the first clue that McCain knows little about the economy.

Anyone who is not worried isn't paying attention.

Shelly M

Gram is also the one who defeated the bill that would have let judges set up a payment plan for those in trouble letting them keep their homes and pay them off more slowley. may god judge that dirty little man.


As concerned as the fact that Obama top guys are from fannie & fannie and made hundreds of Millions selling sub prime mortgages to the poor ignorant folks that will vote for the inexperienced deceptive senator from Illinois.

tickled blue

Yes, but then, I already knew that and wouldn't have voted for McCain anyway....that is just one more reason.