Investing in the Banks?

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the shares in the bank seem to be very volatile. as they are so low would it be wise to jump in now. how far can they sink before they rise...will they rise?

Banks in American Falls, ID

Answer (5):


Well...they'll rise if people think they will rise.

Basically, shares are in proportion to consumer confidence, and if people are confident that the banks will make huge profits and that investing in them is a good idea, then they'll go up.

Conversely, if they think banks are just going down the drain, share prices will fall/remain stagnant.

Snakeman !

I'm guessing this would be the best time to invest in banks - the economy can only get better - thus the price of shares will rise again - making you a tidy profit, if you decide to sell !

Happy investing - and Merry Xmas !

wayne g

They could rise. They could also go bust as they did in the late
20s and early 30s. If you would be willing to lose your money,
that's one thing. If they keep going with buisnes as normal your
money will go where all the rest of the money went. Somebody
got that money. Somebody knows where it is. It did not just
disaper off the face of the Earth. Don't piss in my ear and tell me
its raining. Its like some one steals your stuff and tells you,
Baa! look! All gone. No more. Sorry!
Hope that helps.


well, seeing as you're a dumbass (judging by your stereotype of Americans as anything other than brilliant)...

i would say that you should probably only invest in issues that are listed on the pink sheets, as these are much more secure investments than normal shares of stock. :)


like all shares the worst that can happen is you lose everything. The best you could do is double your money or more.