In a wachovia bank is it true if you take out money from another bank for example i have a wachovia card?

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and i take out money from an american bank will wachovia charge me 5 dollers just becasue i took money out from another bank i live in miami beach fl

Banks in Miami Beach, FL

Answer (3):


I've been charged $4.25 - $2 by Wachovia and $2.25 from the other ATM.

If you use someone's ATM at racetracks and clubs, they can charge you $5 - but Wachovia will still charge you $2 for using a foreign ATM for a total of $7.

Moral of the story - use Wachovia ATM's if you can help it.

Going Crazy

I have used my Wachovia cars at other ATMs, and they did not charge me and even refunded the money the other ATM charged me.

Kasey Kane

$5 seems a little excessive!

you can take money from any ATM in the world but normally they'll be a fee on both ends, that's why most people go to their own banks to withdraw...but if you're in a pinch, its worth the fee, I guess...