In a banking Crisis, does it make sense to elect one of the 'Keating 5' President?

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Keating Five From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Alan Cranston (D-CA) Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ) John Glenn (D-OH) John McCain (R-AZ) Donald W. Riegle (D-MI) The Keating Five were five United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, igniting a major political scandal as...

Answer (8):

some guy

McCain found not guilty..Democrats found guilty....move along skippy


McCain didn't receive formal censure but he was said to have used "poor judgment". No one denies that, of the five, McCain received more free trips and money from Keating than the others.

I think it's a great question and my answer is no.

Don't Tread On me!

Mccain was acquitted. The DEMOCRATS were convicted and kicked out of Congress!
Keating 5 is the LAST thing a Democrat should bring up!

Don't Tazer Me !

Obama will cause a DEPRESSION! Raising Taxes, Inflation, No Energy, continue to fund Terror, Give hundreds of Billions of our Tax money to Africa.

Get on the Smart TRAIN!


Keyword "accused", move on with the next Democrat witch hunt

Vote McCain in 08


no, it does't make any sense.
gramm is still working for mccain too . he just keeping a low profile after his insulting comments.


I think that your criticisms no matter which are just stupid accusations and that you must really have a lonely life there in the basement

Voted 4 Gore&Kerry, McCain 08

what doesn't make sence is to vote for president someone that said we have 57, that would be a big mistake