If you were going to rob a bank, which signs would you have help you?

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im a pisces, and i'd be in charge of making the overall plan heres who i pick Aquarius: so he can pick out all the loop holes in the plan and fix them. maybe have him hack their computer system and siphon all of bank of america's money directly into his bank account Aries: Have him go in there...

Banks in Leo, IN

Answer (5):

♋ johnny drama ♋

aries; stunt driver guy. can ditch police cars. two wheels, jumping off the ramps.

aquarius; tech guy. tools and stuff. he even invented this oil spray thingy for the car we will use.

leo and gemini; pandomime guys. performing show outside so no one looks whats going on in the bank.

scorpio; sabotage guy. just before the job, he sabotages power box and stuff so cameras and alarms not working.

capricorn; this guy was a part of the group too then he keep talking about how illogical is this. we gotta work hard in stupid jobs and stuff so we kick his ****.

cancer; this guy, using his soft looks etc. worked in the bank for a while and learn everything. building plans, combination etc.

libra; mask designer. we do this both for money and thrill. so we wanna be cool. so he fashion this super cool masks and stuff for us. as usual, he is the one who planned the party after job.. mmmm many b!thces, can u say?

pisces; this guy is just the one who will kill all of us after job. nutjobz.


Well, I'd pick Pisces, Scorpio, Libra, Aquarius, and Capricorn.
Capricorn is for all the smarts and planning to break into a bank.
Libra to seduce the watchmen.
Scorpio as the assassin, just in case
Aquarius, because you need to borrow his U.F.O for a quick getaway.
and Pisces, because she'll act helpless and innocent, just in case ur in court.


Virgo: everything must be perfect, details all the way down

Scorpio: they have connections... ._.

Gemini: Distraction "OH MY LEG!!"

Leo: Juggles

Capricorn: Hires a lawyer in case we get caught.. sets up an alibi

Aries: spearheads the operation


Virgo, Libra, Aries, Sagittarius.

It will be like the Reservoir Dogs, where no one knows each other, and we all get a cut. Except this time the bad guys win =)


what about the chinese signs? Dragons and horses cos they are intelligent and quick

the element with the most criminals is the water signs.... cancer suns having the most out of all twelve

edit: no actually they advise against horses becoming criminals