If there is no land theft by settlers in the West Bank, how do pro-Israelis explain this article?

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I mean this is LITERALLY stealing the land!
It may seem humorous, but there is a more sinister agenda behind it. If the top soil is removed, the Palestinian crops fail, the now destitute farmers are forced to leave- and the settlers take the land.

Answer (9):


Many Israelis have a serious cultural problem coming from their Zionist beliefs which don't see what is unwillingly taken from non-Israelis as an act of theft.
That colonial view had vanished everywhere in the world following WWII except in the Israeli mentality distorted by the medieval Zionist ideologies


Who said there's no land theft by settlers?

That is not an automatic statement from a pro Israeli.

Israeli or pro Israeli is not the same as settler.

Settlers are less than 5% of the Israeli population.

The government supports them because Sheldon Adelson is bribing the politicians.


What does the Torah and Talmud have to do with me?
I am secular like almost all of Israel.
You have a very meager understanding of Israel, but a lot of enthusiasm for ideas with no backing in facts.

If you want to know if I think it's right or wrong, you will have to ask a new question.
I've answered your original question.
The new question is very complicated and merits its own thread.
The question of legality is a third question.
If you keep jumping from one subject to another, you will never achieve a proper understanding of anything.


Trying to answer you to the point - apparently you are either unwilling or unable to comprehend.

Not seeing the point in answering any more questions from you.
Perhaps I was too quick to classify you as a non troll.


The West Bank settlement are deemed legal under UN and International law. Israel is not breaking laws. To say Israel is breaking such laws, is anti-Israel, and antisemitic. The so called "Palestinians" share an unfair amount of land compared to the settlers. The settlers want peace and the illegal Arabs want a war and to wipe Jews off the face of the earth. The illegal Arabs shoot rockets into Israel. You think the illegal Arabs deserve to have their own state.


Talmudists are more numerous than flamboyant Zionists.


israelis and pro israelis do know that There is a theft on Palestinians land .....still, they deny it, support it and defend it .......That makes them co-operative and even partners in the theft


What can i say the Zionists in Y/A would defend their point of view to the point of stupidity, and then they have the nerve to say that they live in a Democracy.

What a buch of hypocrites !!!!!!!!!

I'm a Lebanese Jew.

♪♫bbtalk Sha'mone☮

You have to pay for the article or log in to read the whole thing? At least where I'm at. Don't you have one that we don't have to log into or pay for to read it?

Can you show me palestine on a map? There is no state of palestine, so how can anyone steal from it?


Jonah is correct

Fenrir| •FT\√°

They are cowards, pure and simple. Come to where I live and try to push me around, see if you don't get your teeth knocked out. No Yiddishy Police will stop me. Cowards!