Answer (4):

Armchair Goddess #1

Excellent and timely question, although the Democrats did finally succeed last week to get the extension of unemployment benefits through despite Senator Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) filibuster. McConnell has a personal net worth of $49 MILLION ("The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC) and he has taken huge sums of campaign dollars from special interests (like Wall Street or the insurance industry) to BLOCK reforms (see, yet what in the world would possess this drunken-sailor-spending Republican from 2001-2007 to suddenly say American workers must suffer because he doesn't want to add $30 billion to the deficit that HE helped run up to the TRILLIONS throughout the six years of Republican control!?! The Obama administration has even PAID DOWN THE DEFICIT by 8% with the $181 billion from 14 bank paybacks in December (after Democrats wisely put LIMITS on bankers' salaries until they did pay back the Bush-bail-out dollars WITH like a CHARM!), so how could he even begin to leave millions of Americans with NO help at all? Doesn't make any sense and makes the GOP seem both hypocritical and downright cruel, especially when every major economist supports the benefits as money that will be SPENT (and consumer spending helps GROW an economy as severely SHRUNKEN as this was came to be in 2006, 2007, and 2008). The right-wingers seem to have lost touch with anyone not making more than a million bucks a year, I guess.

Back Attcha

because the banks were not in any real trouble they just wanted a quick cash grab and offered the Gov't interest on the return, probably to cover what they were stealing from investers and their customers.And probably; just wanted to cover their tracks before the next audit. But as for the unemployed well they are in real trouble and can offer nothing in return except an X on the next voting ballot.So what choice did the gov't have? bail out the banks and save tax payers jobs or not and create more unemployment, where they stood to lose even more mony.


They just want to say no to everything the left does and they are the party of the rich.

Valentine Smith

Because they are cowards