I have less than $1000 in my checking at all times. What's the best Bank to get the highest interest rate?

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for my checking account and the bank that will give me the best perks.

Banks in Tyler, TX

Answer (6):

Craziee Panda

HSBC has online 3.10% interest CD and is FDIC insured. Minimum is only $10 dollars. However, it is locked for 6 months in return for the higher interest rate pay out.

ING is great for fluid accounts and has 2.75% interest. No fees. However, there is no physical entity to withdraw your money from and any electronic transaction takes a couple business days.


ING Direct.

I've been using them for several years. Both their saving account and checking. No fees. No minimums. Interest rates are higher than any "physical" bank out there. The checking account comes with a debit card ... you'll have to check to see how close you are to their ATMs (Super Sak's and Walgreens).

Jeff D

same here...
well the bottom is, nowadays, the interest rate wouldnt even be higher than the inflation rate...i say u should invest it somehow, if u have time, go do stock research. yeah i know its a bear market, but that also means that the stocks are very low now. good luck! and if u ever find that bank, email me.

Lady in Red

the state of the economy suggests you need to have your money in a safe bank.
I am in australia, so not familiar with your options.
If you have a Government owned bank, put it there. Interest rates are not the most important thing.
you don't want to lose your money.

Kristina M

Bank of America has several accounts and many money saving options



You won't at any bank, now or ever.
Not at $1000.00