How to say call these things at bank in English?

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I have a friend who is going to do a re-branding thing for a non-English bank. She is asking for help with regards to the following translations. She wants to translate them into proper English so if one day you walk into the bank you will know what it is all about: So please could you be kind enough to offer...

Banks in English, IN

Answer (2):

Grey Silence

If I were you, this is what I would call it but they may have a more formal name.

1.) Waiting room is correct.
2.) VIP room or Special Guest Room, make sure to pronounce VIP room 'vee-eye-pee' room not vip room.
3.) Financial Advice? I'm not too sure about this one.
4.) Self-Service area or room would be correct.
5.) 'General Service Desk' or 'Deposit/Withdrawal Centre' maybe?
6.) Help Desk (if they are looking for advice on where to go or what to do) I'm not too sure about this one either.
7.) Staff Room.

Hope this helps, as I said I'm not 100% sure but if you're still worried then maybe go to a bank and ask there. They'll know :)


1) "Waiting Room" is normally associated with hospitals. For a bank, call it "Reception". In a lot of places, these areas are not normally labelled. The purpose is generally obvious.

2) VIP Room is fine.

3) Conference Room.

4) Do you mean with bank machines? In that case it would be "Automated Teller Machines (ATM)". Otherwise, you'd be fine with "Self-Service"

5) The bank employees in this area would be called Tellers, and they would sit behind a Teller's Desk

6) What kind of Non-Cash services? Do you mean like Loans or Investments?

7) It doesn't matter what the area is called. The sign on the door should read, "Authorized Employees Only"