How to do banking in brazil?

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what banks do they use? can i use a bank account i already have set up? im moving to sao paulo next month... i am currently with wells fargo in the states, and im wondering what to do about banking... is there a chase or whatever in brazil?

Banks in Brazil, IN

Answer (1):


i don't know about those other banks but i use a basic checking account with Citibank, they charge me $3.50 for banking fees every month and $1.50 everytime i use it at an ATM here in the state of sao paulo (litoral norte) as far as i know it works only at the bank Brandesco's ATM's. they don't give out cash in the inside the bank so you have to use the ATM's. i use the regular american card. i only keep like a hundred on it at a time so that even if someone where to somehow get my number they ain't getting much. bring an extra card in case you loose one, especially if its your only way to get money.