How long does a bank account have to be inactive before it gets closed?

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How long does a bank account have to be inactive before it gets closed? A rough estimate is okay. If it's different depending on certain banks, I don't mind a list of them. Preferably, I would like an answer for Keesler Federal Credit Union. If not, I don't mind Hancock County Bank, The People's...

Banks in Biloxi, MS

Answer (2):

Go with the flow

Call up the bank and ask.
I remember reading about Florida, and how if an account is inactive for over a year, they will close it. But, I have had an account at a credit union (share draft savings) that I have not touched for about 5 years and they have not closed it.
The real answer: It may also depend on the state you live in, not just the bank.


Every bank is different, and there are thousands of banks in the US. You need to call them and ask. But usually 12 months is typical.