How do I make a complaint about my bank (when the bank in question ignores me)?

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I have spent the past 3 months trying to return £1200 to a friend in Germany. Two attempts have failed and my bank takes weeks to actually trace the money and return it to my account stating that they don't really know why the transaction failed (even though I call them constantly, all they say is that they...

Banks in Secretary, MD

Answer (7):


Go the the governing body and also Google the bank and find out at least 3 of the directors or in fact any members of the board names and email them directly I guarantee you within 24hrs you will get some action done. They will normally get their secretary or equivalent to call you and sort your complaint out.

I am a manager for an insurance company and it happens to us all the time... I get customers passed to me to deal with... and as it's the MD you do it and fast!

I have done this twice when making a genuine complaint, once with Tesco and again with Virgin media... I didn't rant I was very clear and factual in my email and within 20 Min's I had 2 emails and 2 phone calls from Virgin and they did sort out the problem.

Give it a try... you have nothing to lose.

Good Luck!


Boy Wonder is 100% correct the best thing to do in this case is involve the financial ombudsman. This is an investigative body who will investigate the bank without any charge to you. Generally because the investigation costs the bank thousands of pounds they will mysteriously solve your problem and then ask you to call off the investigation.


Is there a certification from an agency that provides
the right or authority or authenticates
the bank's ability to be a "bank"?

A letter to that agency with a "certified copy" to said bank
would be a start that might bring attention, promptly.



Go to the top-first see the head of your bank-then demand an appointment with the area manager-take his mane and contact details-then complain via citizens advice or a solicitor if you have no satisfaction with those clowns,,,
good luck x


Go to the banking ombudsman if you have already tried your bank directly.

The will act impartially to resolve the dispute:


try putting a turd through their letterbox


i think its time to move banks, remember your paying them to look after your money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!