How come, in Obamas world it's ok to bail out big banks and not help people with their mortgages?

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seems to me the people holding this country together are the ones that own the homes. if you want to save the country try starting at the core and not help out the super rich. I hear a lot of people blaming the poor folks for taking out a mortgage, but it was the banks and the gov that gave it to them. I think for...


Perhaps you haven't been paying attention. But in every single speech, Obama has made it clear that the people who own the mortgages need help. He was instrumental in the bailout bill including language to allow the Treasury to buy up the bad mortgages and refinance them at fixed rates so that people can stay in their homes. He just finished a rally 2 blocks away from me about 30 min. ago, and this was the focus of his speech.


Because he and McCain both have forgotten the proverb.
He who oppresses the poor to increase his riches, and he who gives to the rich will surely come to poverty. Proverb 22-16.
They are not immune to the judgements of God. The reckoning is coming.