Has David Cameron been "kippered" by the Banks?

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The Banks may have led Golden Gordon down the garden path and left Cameron with a legacy of incompetence, but it's still the Banks calling the shots. They hoodwinked Gordon into stumping up our money on the promise of the funds being used to get small businesses back on their feet. The Banks trousered the...

Banks in Golden, CO

Answer (3):


cameron and the tories are bankrolled by the banks, many of his cronies are or were directors within the banks, he cannot bite the hand that is up his back, controlling his every move and that fed him. he is also looking for a parachute job from the banks at the next general election



There is a far better and more appropriate word to use than "kippered". That word is "bought". Just as with the Murdochs. He was bought and paid for and the same applies with the banks and bankers. This is true of all our politicians and most importantly our PM's. Always has been and always will be until we change the system or vote every one of the present lot out and hope for a better class of people to run the government and the country.


Everyone has a leash of David Cameron; his ministers, the banks, Murdoch, his wife, his media strategists, his sex slave, his regular slaves, the dog... everyone has a leash on him but Clegg