Ghettos of the West Bank?

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Is there really much difference in the way that Israelis treat Palestinians today and the way that the jews were themselves treated during WWII?

One would think of ALL people the jews would have best learned the lessons of history... obviously the learned the wrong lessons :(

Answer (5):


One could argue that there is little difference in that the "fence" Israel is putting up is surrounding Palestinian towns and villages and forcing the people therein to lose links with commerce and with relatives in other parts of the country. - 143k

this links to satellite images of the fence: - 21k

To be perfectly fair, however, one could say that your analogy would be better if you talked about how the Jews were treated by the Nazis before the start of WWII. During the War, Jews, gypsies, physically challenged people, homosexuals, and Resistance fighters were rounded up, send to concentration camps where they were tortured, used in "medical experiments", gassed, hung, and otherwise executed. The Zionists in Israel have not gone that far with the Palestinians, but they have done discrimination and isolation much like was done to Jews in Germany and Poland.

I think one of the main reasons for conflict in the Middle East is the way the European powers, especially England, betrayed the Arabs who fought with them against the Turks in WWI. England and France made the Middle East into colonies after they had promised to let the Arabs form their own independent nations. The Europeans also made an agreement to allow Jewish resettlement of Palestine without consulting the Arabs--so the Arabs felt doubly betrayed. Read "I, Noor" by Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan for some great insights into this little known but vital part of Middle Eastern history.


The Jews are not acting like the Nazis treated them in the Holocaust. They are not putting Palestinians in concentration slave labor camps and trying to kill them off. The problem goes back to 1948, when the United Nations gave this small strip of land to Jews in order to form a homeland. It was supposed to be a Jewish state. It was the poorest part of the desert, without any water or oil. Arabs who lived within those borders were invited to stay, but they could not become first class citizens because it was specifically a Jewish state. It is not like the United States, where anyone born here is automatically a citizen.
The Islamic nations surrounding Israel told the Palestinians that the Jews were going to kill them. It was not true because Islamic and Christian Arabs have lived within Israel's borders without any harm coming to them. The Islamic nations never even offered to take some of the displaced and fearful Palestinians into their own countries. All they did was to incite hatred toward the Israelis. They waged and lost three wars, in which they lost large amounts of territory. Their goal was to force all the Jews out of Israel and into the sea. They admitted it. Jihad means a Holy War to take over territory and to kill the enemy. They financed terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians in shoping centers and other public places.
It is true that Israel has not always acted kindly and justly toward their enemies. But they have been living in threats of attack for almost 60 years.


Its very interesting how some people distort history. How can anyone compare what the Nazis did to the Jews because they were Jews to how the Israeli Government puts a fence to obstruct the Palestinians from exploding bombs in Israel. The Jews were citizens of Germany, Poland, Hungary Russia etc.
they did no evil, did not harm or explode themselves, they did nothing wrong except being Jewish, that doomed their fate. Are the Israelis not right in preventing the Palestinians who do not live in Israel are not citizens, claim to want to throw all Jews into the sea, from entering Israel? The English and French never promised the Arabs anything after WW1. Never forget the Arabs lives in total poverty in the Middle East, the Jews who had a rightful claim to Israel, came back to their homeland and Israel became paradise.
You are totally right saying the Jews should have learned from history, they learned that if no one fends for them they need to fend for themselves, that a holocaust will never occur again, this they learnt and hopefully they succeed.


No,unfortunately there is no a big difference...And even some Jews say this.Here is a Holocaust survivor saying that the way the settlers from Hebron are treating the Palestinians remind him of how Jews used to be treat during WW2...
And I don't think someone could accuse him of being antisemite...

joe citizen

and yet here you are calling them jews! you contradict your own validity! is every body over there jewish"religion" as you argue with me? as where you argue my point on me being part jew. i also see how you ARE racist by some of your previous questions. christians would not as such questions as you do. you really set an example for the christian society, really you just want to incite conflict
ahhh i see you have been a member for less thean three weeks and youve racked up many points, you must have way too much time on your hands in which you should learn your bible. this is why you try to incite so much conflict. i am so sorry you have nothing better to do with your time

so you really think that every one over there you called a jew that is fighting for the land is actually "practicing jews?"..i laugh at your reasoning. you are trying to justify you own contridictions now. you dont know as much as you think you do annd i am appaled at you actions. i dont like you but according to the bible i have to love you. therefore this is where we shall stand