From automotive to banks? is it possible?

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well let me start out by saying thank you for reading this. but i was just wondering if a big time carrier change is possible. well here is my story. i graduated high school and like all 18 yr olds though i knew every thing. so i put myself in some serious student loan debt. i went to a automotive school and after...

Answer (1):


Sounds like you are not "starting small". I suspect you have applied at all the major banks. You will never get past their HR departments. If you sincerely want to do this path, you will have to start small. Pick out small state banks and savings and loans in your region. For the most part, they do not have HR departments. You go to the bank, and the major officers are sitting in their offices off the lobby. You ask to speak with the bank president. Then you make your pitch. You may be invited to submit a CV, or you may be told there are no positions at this time. Find out if you can leave a CV anyway, so it is in their files. The likelihood is that you will make ten or more visits before you find an available position. Good luck!