Food bank close to subway station Montreal?

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Someone could recommend a good food bank in Montreal, walking distance to a subway station and where they ask just a few or no requirements. All the information that I can be given will be more thatn welcome. Thanks for your information.

Answer (1):


Post: #1Montreal Entraide Food Bank

Montreal Entraide Food Bank
MAIS D ENTRAID 514-761-1280‏
Help and Hands 514-761-1280
"Cote St Paul - Ville Emard - Verdun"
Ville Emard - Verdun - Cote Saint paul
Food Bank is near ( Metro Jolicoeur)
Tel: 514-761-1230

Dépôt alimentaire
2121 Oxford, Montreal, QC H4A 2X7 corner deMaisonneuve in NDG
One block south of Sherbrooke, 5 blocks west of Decarie Blvd.
Telephone: (514) 483-4680

Moisson Montréal
6880 Côte-de-Liesse Road
Montréal, Quebec, H4T 2A1
Phone: 514 344-4494