Fellow Muslims, a question about the extremest Jewish settlers in the Palestinian west bank?

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I read in the al-jazeera News that an extremest Jewish gangs burned a mosque in the conquered Palestine. Should we remain silent and let Allah (aazza wa Jall) to deal with them? or we should make an apprising against them to defend our holy...

Answer (5):


Uh, sorry, but the Jews have a lot better track record than you guys. In addition, they have contributed a vast amount of good to the world..

I would agree, however, that you should remain silent.

Oh, and please point to the place where the "conquered Palestine" exists. What is this nation, what is its flag and where is it on the map? Is it sort of like Hawaii Five-O that also doesn't exist?


Asker: I would not encourage an uprising as such, but there must be more done to support the Palestinians. Sanctions against Israel would be a start, more active discussion about the realities in Palestine would help, plus more education outside of Muslim circles on the history of those nations.

Alaric: Do you know why the Taliban destroyed those statues? Because foreign nations were willing to spend incredible amounts of money to save the statues, but not the thousands of children who were starving in Afghanistan. The Jews did have access to the holy land pre-1967. Many Jews immigrated to Palestine before the UK got involved there. Many Jews were living there in harmony with the Muslims who lived there. The Christians and Muslims have been antagonizing each other in Nigeria and Egypt for centuries. This one user should stop that? Why don't you study a bit more and condemn a bit less?

Free Speech: regarding the news and George Orwell: I agree. Even the Israelis call these people extremists though, so while it is a little pot/kettle, it's not inappropriate.

Dennis: Violence begets violence. Ignorance also begets ignorance. You should learn more about what Islam has done worldwide before you determine the world would be better off without it.

Joe: Jews have an okay track record. They have indeed contributed a lot to the world. Zionists do not have such a good track record and have contributed very little. Many Muslims have done great things and treated people with kindness and mercy. You could investigate the history of Saladin, for an easy example, if you wish. Regarding Palestine: not so very long ago, none of the middle eastern countries existed as they do today. They were organized by European invaders and occupiers into the boardered lands you recognize. Palestine didn't get a chance to be organized before it was given away. Please do seek out some history books on the matter.

Coeur de lion: When Hitler was busy destroying the Jewish people in Europe and the Christian countries of the world dithered, many Jews sought refuge in Islamic Africa. They were harboured and protected from the Nazis by Muslims. I don't deny that some Synagogues might meet their demise should Palestine be returned to Palestinians, however, many Mosques, schools, businesses and homes have been destroyed to create Israel as it is today...tit for tat. You apparently never found out that the famous Ahmadinejad quote was a mis-translation. Your figures come from your head and not from facts. You do not seem to know the Jewish mind any more than you do the Islamic one.

George: what languages do you speak in addition to English? Your English isn't much better than the asker's. I respond with the truth as I know it, regardless of your insults or anyone's praise. Why do you spend time in an Islamic group if you don't like Islam? Why not spend time doing something you like to do? If you feel sickened, by all means: leave.

Mr gentleman

I am wondering how many Synagogue would be burned or destroyed if the Arabs or Muslims took control of Palestine. Do you remember Ahmadinjad, the Iranian president when he said: "I will wipe out Israel off the map" got my message? my point is besides 10 0r 100 Jewish extremest there are 1 million of Muslim extremest.

EDIT: "juvegirl, B2B 2010", have you heard about Hajj Amine AL-Husseini, a Muslim clerk who created a Nazi Muslim militia which worked hand to hand with Hitler in order to exterminate the Jews in the world?
search for it on Google.

And yes, AhmadineJad, the Iranian president did publicly swore and promised the elimination of the state of Israel; again search for it.


You read Al-Jazeera News. That is like watching Fox News. Fair and balanced! LOL! OK, whatever Al-Jazeera says. That is the trouble with journalism and the media today. THERE IS NO JOURNALISM ANYMORE. There is only partisan media. We all have the choice to watch the news channel that feeds our particular prejudice.

I watch all the news stations both American and foreign. They are all pathetic. I laugh and cry in my Gin, mostly at the people who take any of them seriously.

Ah - George Orwell, you were amazing!

Btw: I don't think you are in a position to be talking about "extremists" in someone else's religion. Oh, please... One of your co-religionists was just arrested today for "once again" trying to commit mass murder.


These are some of the Jewish synagogues in Gaza strip before Israel pulled out:


These are the same places the day after:


But then again, it's not like Jews in the holy land aren't expiriensed with Muslims burning their synagogues.
In 1967 Muslims destroyed 58 Jerusalem synagogues. Heck, they even burned that big synagogue in Jerusalem way back in 1720.

Here are a few other examples:


Two synagogues burned in Haifa:

Three synagogues burned on the same week: