Dose anyone know if it is possible to open a bank/post office account in a cats name?

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Most pet insurances have an excess of £50 to £60 and most visits to the vets costs about the same so i think it would be best to open an account for my cat. Is there any such thing in the UK as i have heard of similar things in America?

Answer (10):


No, your cat wouldn't have ID or a signature that they'd accept! It's a sweet idea though (and very clever, those insurances are ridiculous!), but why not put the money into an ISA account (under your name) and just call it The Cat Fund in your filing and accounts so you know not to touch it.

Bob N

No, you cannot open a bank account in the cat's name, in the US or in the UK.

You can, however, open an account in your name to be used only for medical expenses for your cat.

This would allow you to easily keep track of how much you spend on medical care.

However, I don't think it will be of much use unless you would regularly make deposits into it and then use it only to pay vet bills.

It would be just as easy to use your personal checking account.

I think you would find the work, however small, needed to keep track of the separate checking account would not be worth it.

A good alternative would to have a personal savings account and to make regular deposits into it each month.

If you were consistent and deposited the amount that you would otherwise spend on insurance, not only would you have cash available to pay vet bills but you would also be saving more money for other needs.

If you deposit £50 into it every month, you would have £600 in it at the end of the year. After 5 years you'd have £3,000, 15 years £9,000 - plus interest.

You could pay any vet bills from that amount and the rest would be funds that you otherwise would not have saved.

People, everywhere, do not save enough money - we don't - and any way that you can put back more money for emergencies, or even for retirement, is good.

If you want to try this - setting aside a fixed amount each month for vet bills, do it into a savings account.

You'll build up your savings, have cash for vet bills, and earn interest on the money in the account.

If you use a checking account, it will be just another account to keep track of and it won't pay you interest.

Now - there are some checking account types that pay interest, but usually they don't pay as much as regular savings accounts.


You can't open an account in your cat's name. Although I do think your idea of saving money to pay for insurance and vets fees is a good one.
I do all my banking online and have set up internet based accounts which I can pay money into every month using my online banking system. This allows me to save a given amount of money into a car account to pay for tax etc, I also have one for Cats and also another for emergencies. This enables me to budget and manage my money effectively and also technically gives my cat her own account in a roundabout way.

Kia Koala Victorino (8)

You cannot open a bank account without a social security number. You could open a free checking account with no balance requirements and keep money saved up in there if that is what you want to do. Bank requires 2 forms of ID to open an account, so unless your cat passed his drivers exam and has a license, he is not going to be allowed to open an account. There are systems in place that prevent fraudulent accounts from being opened and every day more stuff is put in place to prevent identity theft. Sorry, but there is no way ;)

System Airey

No. You cannot open an account for an animal in the UK


So open an account in your name, for that purpose and put money in it to save for vets bills.


Haha! I doubt it. One of my friends told me that she got a credit card offer in the mail for her cat somehow.

Why don't you just open another account with YOUR name?

Robin B

I'm sure that you can, but who will sign? Photo ID won't help much.

Why not just open another account in your name and call it 'Cat Account'

Cupid's Lovechild

Why would you need to open a post or bank account for your pet to buy insurance coverage for it?

Yes, in America we can buy insurance coverage for our pets, but not post or bank accounts in their names. nor would we need to.

Vivien W

Of course you can. Don't forget to take him/her with you to sign the paperwork.