Do you think private bank accounts and retirement accounts will be seized by the US Government? (article)?

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Top US Federal Judge Assassinated After Threat To Obama Agenda Posted on January 20, 2011 A Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states the top US Federal Judge for the State of Arizona was assassinated barely 72-hours after he made a critical ruling against the Obama...

Answer (7):



Echo Foxtrot

I would say that there is a good chance that obummer could seize bank accounts.

Don't pay any attention to the aptly-named libtards - they are Obama lemmings just waiting to run off the cliff at his behest. They simply can't see past the false right-left dichotomy: patriots concerned with the rule of law are the folks raising these questions.

Hank Scorpio

Yes. The Easter bunny told me so while he was robbing a mr. pibb truck on the border of Alaska and Russia. Dos vedanya comrade!

Smoking Joe

The right wing propaganda mill is running overtime I see.
Jared was afraid of "new world order" (world government) hated fiat banking and hate the English language being corrupted. These are CORE conservative issues.

oompa loompa

Wow. i only made it through about two thirds of that, clearly you are just making up a story or have serious issues and should get checked out. i am honestly not trying to offend you just being honest.





Relevant answer in Franklin, AL