Did you see what that "stupid" and "crazy" Michelle Bachmann uncovered about CRA, BANKS and ACORN?

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I know you will have to watch a youtube video of that oh so "stupid" and "crazy" Glenn Beck interviewing the even more "stupid" and "crazy" Michelle Bachmann, but it is quite interesting to see how our government creates loopholes for their special interests. Hmmm...... I...

Banks in Logan, OH

Answer (11):

Paul Grass™

Michelle and Glenn are on a roll thank God!! This corruption needs to be stopped!!

A. E. Moreira

Regarding what Michelle Bachmann said vis a vis ACORN here, I'll need to see hard and indisputable documents to prove it, and I would probably need to make sure the signatures on the forms are actually genuine and not forged on both sides.

Tea parties are not stupid, and you won't ever see me criticizing them.

Sorry, but sans documents provided under pain of perjury, I have to give ACORN the benefit of the doubt on this issue. If Bachmann is correct, she will be willing to show me the documents via postal mail or allow me to examine the documents and then take it to the various institutions involved.


Hey Zaza, how can i do this without sounding nasty....? I'll just come right out and say it, i guess.

Where does it say that ACORN is the only organization that banks can donate to? If that was the case then I'd be right there with you in your outrage. Of course Beck and Bachmann are only going to bring this organization into the forefront. It wouldn't make a "good" story if they mentioned the organizations that have nothing to do with Obama. It would throw their conspiracies right out the window.

ACORN has been around in Washington, getting funding and donations through our politicians, for decades.

Obama was a lawyer on a case for them once, he has never been on their staff. How and why has this supposed connection between them been made other then to create another false outcry against the man?

The Vision

I wonder if it all went down like this;
Congress forced banks to make bad loans and created the housing bubble that burst and caused losses for the banks and the homeowners who saw the value of their real estate drop. Democrats made deals with banks and financial institutions to reimburse them for their losses if Obama got elected. The banks and financial institutions donated money for campaigning (plenty for ACORN of course since it means the banks have to make fewer bad loans) and pull as many strings as they can in the media and in universities to get Obama in office. Obama gets elected and reimburses them in the form of "bail outs" which are "justified" because the financial institutions are "too big to fail". The banks get their money back and a little more, and homeowners who saw the value of their real estate drop are screwed.


I love Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann...

I did see the piece yesterday on Glenn Beck Show...

Just think that the government with the strong arm of ACORN making Banks give loans to high risk people...and the government paying ACORN to do it...after their track record...

This is the same practice that got us into economy problems to begin with...remember Fannie....this is just like it...and Barney Frank is behind it...

History does repeat itself...

pastor of muppets

yeah, just like Halliburton getting no bid contracts during the iraq war.

I mean, is this really surprising? Whether it's Halliburton or KBR or ACORN, it doesnt matter. Until we stop blaming side A or Side B for all the country's problems, and realize that it is the people we are electing that cause the problems, it's going to go on forever.


It's the way ACORN has been operating all along. It's the way they've been trained. Obama was a trainer. It caused the housing melt down and now they're doing it again. It is pathetic how any responsible person would support the Commander in Thief. Then again, it's not the responsible ones who are sucking his toes, or whatever.


Hmmm...... still no proff that there is anything in CRA that states that banks have to loan to people that have crappy credit. It only states that a bank can't discriminate against a person or business based on where they live.

If I'm wrong show me in the bill where it says to lower credit standards


Unfortunately this is a fact. Remember, the Dem's caused the crash while making these loans in the first place. FREDDIE AND FANNIE. oBAMA WAS THE SECOND HIGHEST RECEIVER OF CASH FROM THESE ORGANIZATIONS. THIS CREATES A CASH COW FOR PEOPLE LIKE OBAMA TO STEAL FROM. HE DOES NOT WANT HIS SUPPORT GROUPS LIKE f-FREDDIE AND FANNIE TO DISAPPEAR AS A RESULT AND THANKS TO acorn FORCING THESE LOANS THROUGH THE BANKS. That is why the government has now announced that in fact ACORN will be reinstated and your money will now as of NOV. 1ST. be sent out to ACORN to make these loans once again. Apparently the government did not do enough damage the first time and needs this program to continue, further bringing the country to it's knees.

Marxist Radicals R Destroyers

Yeah, AC0RN org is getting funded with our taxes again in a couple weeks. The gals who were criminals telling people how to cheat on taxes and house underage hookers only got fired or suspended- no jail time or REFORM Schools for them-- OH NO! But liberals wanted to reform a 6 year old for bringing a cub scout butter knife fork set- when his school scissors was sharper! Oh yeah- lets reform him- he is young how bout 45 days! These people in congress are RETARDED!

Oh but Obama is allowing AC0RN org to SUE the good guys who busted the CRIMINALS! There is NO COMMON SENSE in our White House- NONE ! Ziltch!


Hell, i was told there was no corruption taking place. Even called a retard on several occasions. Hate to tell you folks this, but you brought all of this bullshit upon everyone. And why? Because they feel entitled.

Beck and Bachmann are both correct.

And do not forget the NCLR folks.