Did the kennedys oppose rotherchild? or any bankers i need a website or video?

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Robert Kennedy inparticular

Answer (1):

Charles K

Two President Who Died Defying the Rothschilds In our times this control of the issuance of our currency is in the illegal hands of the Federal Reserve, called the Fed, and the principal owner of the Fed's "Class A" stock is--you guessed it--the Rothschild family. The other president brave enough to oppose the banker barons, whose worth was now in the trillions, was President John F. Kennedy. This first Catholic president of our country enjoyed a deep-roots popularity--a charisma not enjoyed by most presidents. The Kennedy administration was so confident that it had the support of most voters that it ignored the Jewish lobby as the Kennedy brothers (John and Robert, his Attorney General) knew it was unnecessary to have the complete backing of every Jew in the U. S.

President Kennedy pledged himself to what was the best for America and cared not how the greedy bankers of the Fed felt. JFK, like Lincoln in the 1860's. dared to have the U. S. Treasury issue U. S. Dollars, not Federal Reserve notes, and placed them into circulation without paying interest to any bankers, just as spelled out in the U. S. Constitution.
More.................... http://100777.com/node/303 ------------------ TWO PRESIDENTS WHO DIED DEFYING THE ROTHSCHILDS
http://100777.com/jfk/who -------- think it would be important to mention the importance of the real powers-that-be who have always pulled the strings of the world and how they have always benefited from fomenting world wars and terrorism. The coincidence relating to the deaths of these two presidents are none other than their defiance to the House of Rothschild.

When president Lincoln was faced with the problem of financing the Civil War he was offered financing through the Rothschild's usury schemes and quickly declined and gave issuance of the government greenback interest free. JFK also was becoming defiant against the power of the Rothschild's Federal Reserve monopoly. Anytime you have defiance against the formation or an already existing central banking system, death follows.

Andrew Jackson has "I Killed The Bank" written on his tombstone because he defeated the formation of a second Rothschild central bank.

The questions must always be steered towards who benefits. There are always agent provocateurs willing to do the dirty work of the powers that be, the international bankers.
Yes, the fact that Lincoln and Kennedy were taking control away from the international bankers, ie the Rothschilds et al, is no doubt one of the reasons they were assassinated. And the same goes for President Garfield and maybe even McKinley. http://orwelltoday.com/readerlincoln... ------- Lincoln ordered the Treasury to print its own money
- Kennedy ordered the Treasury to print its own money

- International bankers may have arranged the assassinations of Lincoln and Kennedy