Did John McCain tell his son Andrew to resign from Silver State Bank?

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What did John McCain know and when did he know it? The fact that McCain's son is involved in a major bank failure should come as no surprise to those who know John McCain history. John McCain had a major role in one the last multi-billion dollar real estate and bank frauds called the "Savings and Loan Scandal."...

Answer (5):


Interesting. Well their children never have to worry about being out of a job...but this does make you wonder and it does seem shady.


Apparently, I wonder why his other son stayed on to ride the bank into ruin. This seems familiar ....... like dads brush with the savings and loan scandal.


You have the name mixed up with Joe Biden son!

Hunter Biden illegal insider information on a collapsing bank by none other than his Daddy Sen Joe Biden!

Facts are facts.

Massive Mann

Dammit Boy!! Good research, Really. If you have a link as well, I would love to spread these truths around!! STAR!!

truth seeker

what do you think? the guy is an full fledged member of the Keating 5...