Did Jefferson warn us of the banks and corporations in 1802?

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"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all...

Answer (4):


Lincoln warned us as well just before he was murdered. said he "feared the enemy at his back more than the one at his front" referring to the cabal of banking interest (back) and the confederates (front)...

Andrew Johnson had 3 attempts on his life. He was trying to go back to a National bank like Lincoln.

I am starting to believe that they intend to attack someone soon possibly Iran since they have committed the same sin as Saddam did which is to sell oil on the Petro-Euro and in other currencies besides the dollar. Many other OPEC nations are warming to the idea. Japan and China are already buying oil on the new exchange set up by Iran (it is called a "bourse" but I have no idea what that is.)

Worse yet, maybe those camps built by KBR are actually work camps. A lot of lettuce pickers can be housed in them.

With that cheery thought I will bug off muttering to myself. Besides Mike Malloy is on . Only one of can be crazy at a time.

Matthew W

There is not enough money for bankers if we had a hard currency. Thomas Jefferson was a man ahead of his times as well as this time. He stood on conservative values and was a champion for the poor, as long as they worked hard. Most people do not take the time to read history. It is manipulated in our public schools and often taught by people that are ignorant of it more than the students. I wish people could understand the Liberty Republicans platform, but unfortunately they are shunned not only by the Democrats, but the Republicans as well.


As long as your quoting the people who understand:
"Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."
John Adams-1735-1826, Second President of the USA
It took a little longer then he though (at least overtly) but I think we've reached that point.


Those are great quotes from our founding fathers, very wise men from the school of experience. Anyone can see, just exactly where this
started & still is coming from, let there be NO DOUBT, its the Bush
& GOP squarely behind this entire MESS.