Congress OK's Banking Bill: Gov "Oversight" or Control?

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POLITICAL TALKING POINTS: You have to start worrying when Barney F_ag and Nancy Pelosi are smiling. Congress passed on a huge Banking Oversight Bill to Barrack Hussein Obama of his signature possibly on Wedensday. The stated purpose of the Bill was to create a 10 member panel to keep an eye on the nations...

Banks in Thomas, OK

Answer (10):


This bill is treason. It is one of the last nails in the coffin of our Republic. It gives the Private Federal Reserve Bank more power to control or should I say destroy this country.

Why Mr O, are you not reporting on the Audit the Fed Bill recently swept under the rug by congress?

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed)

3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)


Congress voted away more of their powers and relinquished them to another appointed committee. That means we have taxation without representation. Every one of these panels will not be controlled by Congress but by the president and the secretary who is appointed by the president, of whatever institution they control. People just aren't getting the picture here.

The panel will determine when a business is too big to fail, if they are failing, whether they will be dismantled or bailed out. Congress is out of the picture now. Same way with health care. The board will determine what will be covered and who will be covered. Not your doctor, not your insurance company, not you, but your government panel who is beyond the reach of congress. You have no choice to pay as you go on your health care. You must buy health insurance. Stupid people think this is great. The czar of Medicare/Medicaid is all in favor of rationing.

These idiots think its this way or no way. "Let's leave it unsupervised". Slap head.


Yeah, let's leave the financial sector unsupervised, after all when have they ever caused any problems?

What's so difficult to understand about "oversight" ? I realize that Banking and Investment lobbyists have poured millions into the pockets of the GOP to defeat this bill - doesn't that suggest that THEY don't want that oversight to prevent them once again taking risks with OUR money?

Only the government has the reach and power to properly keep tabs on these scumbags gambling with other people's money - how many more meltdowns and financial crashes will it take before we finally admit that you CANNOT leave it up to any sector to "police" itself on a voluntary basis.

James L

It is total control. What do you think the odds are that Obama and Geitner will decide that Newscorp is the first corporation that endangers the economy and must be seized by the government.

daniel l

Government takeing over the country, Do we have any freedom now and since oriely said Obama isnt socialist because he wont take your property, what do you say now that they can shut down a company for being to big?

Red Rooster

The movement is still in formation and are in progress while the sleeping giant still has his 'do not disturb' sign hanging on the door knob. Try and guess what their next move is? My guess is they are already working to weaken our defense across the board.


Since you put "scare quotes" around the word "oversight," but not the word control, I guess the answer has to be government control.

Good job.


More government control.

Miles from Michigan!!

Now they have control over our money!! I hope your happy liberals/democrats!!!

p.s. that includes yours!!


Useless legislation making us more uncompetitive.