Clinton supports Israeli settlements in the West Bank?

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Why would she support settlements if:

1- Under international law they are illegal
2- They are the real obstacle to any peace in future
3- Majority of Americans oppose Israel building settlements


Banks in Clinton, IN

Answer (10):

Miss Sarah

1. Clinton carries out illegal activities in the United States, it's not a problem for her to fund illegal activities in Israel.

2. She does not want peace in the future.

3. That is true. Majority of Israelis as well, but extremists like Clinton, Obama, and Netanyahu support the settlements and most peaceful demonstrations and resistance against the settlements is always met with violence.

The United States needs to start thinking about achieving peace in the Middle East. By supporting war criminals, they are only prompting violent reactions in retaliation.


1) Actually, they are not.
2) Actually, the real obstacle to peace is terrorism and the inability the Palestinian leadership to recognize the State of Israel.
3) The poll did not ask if the majority of Americans were opposed to expanding (as opposed to building new) settlements. I would also be curious to know if they would support settlement building or not if it were stressed in the poll that no Arab is displaced by the building.
And not to be facetious, since when did the State department actually care what people thought anyways?


What Hilary said was that your "palestinians" never put the settlements as the precondition to talks, and so they can not be the precondition now.
Obama has no way out but to rercognize settlements; this Kenia- born Muslim "president of the USA" tried all he could, including blackmail on arms sales, and only after Israel made it clear that the world is big, and that there are many other countries who have weapons that are at least not worse than the American ones,( and Peres, Lieberman and Netaniahu visited Russia), Baraq Hussein Obama, the President of the Christian United States of America, grudgingly retreated. The only thing he and his poodle Clinton managed to scratch out of Israel was a vague promise "to show restraint in the construction policy".
What, my "poor oppressed" Arab, something did not work with your ideas about Obama´s saying "Jump" and Israel asking "How high" ?
But you have nobody to blame; al your policy was built on the wrong premise that Israel would never dare say "no" to America. The Western analysts warned you that the relations between Israel and USA are not so linear, but you were stubbornly shaking your goat beards and repeating like another sura of Koran that "Israel is the American puppet".

And now what?


She never said that she supported Israeli settlements in the west bank. She said talks should go on without a freeze. I don't really support this; it would be nice if Israel would stop building while both sides negotiate.
But do the palestine leaders truly want to talk peace?
I don't think so.


Oh my.......More nonsense!

A) She does not support settlements. The US policy has been for many years that Settlements are a negative influence on the prospects for peace. So, by the way, are suicide bombings of busses but let leave that out, shall we?

B) "Settlements" are not a real obstacle to anything. Everyone knows that some will have to be removed and that some people will be ejected from their homes. The problem again is that Israel did this in Gaza and the result was a disaster. The bigger question is why should Israel trust the Palestinians this time?

C) Since when is the policy of a sovereign country made by opinion of "The Majority of Americans". With all the respect and love I have for Americans, if they are not the ones being shot at their input, however well intentioned is not my primary concern.


Mr Natural - Maranatha!

Shameful but true. As Jimmy Carter and others have said, the continuing construction of settlements on Palestinian territory is the Number One obstacle to peace. And rightfully so... no justice, no peace.

Kinkade 0001

1: Israeli settlements on Israeli land in Israel are not illegal.
2: The Palestinians themselves are the real obstacle to peace, not the settlements.
3: The majority of Americans support Israel in their defensive war against radical islamic terrorists.


1. ???? what international law. and even if it was, who can tell a country where they can or cannot build on their own land.
2. You obviously have not been looking at the news since 1993.
3. again we don't tell you Americans to give back the land you stole from the Indians or from Mexico. we definitely don't tell you not to build there.
so how can anyone tell us not to build on land that belonged to Jews pre-1948 and was then won back in two wars of self-defense.
(either way, you've obviously never been to Judah or Samaria and seen these "settlements". I have. There is so much empty land there it could boggle your mind that people are fighting over setting up small towns there. there is literally hundreds of miles of nothing but mountains and trees)


thats good Isreal won the west bank in blood


I didn't read the whole thing . Did she really say that? What I saw was her saying they weren't a part of the process before and shouldn't be now the one thing stopping more talks.
She didn't ask anyone to give up anything.
It's their land. Why shouldn't they build on it? The refugees will never get it.