Bush picks Zoellick for top job at World BankTom Bawden in New York?

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Bush picks Zoellick for top job at World BankTom Bawden in New York Bush picks Zoellick as new World Bank chief I love this story. I was looking at the BBC and Mr. Bush as pushing the nomination is announcing one yet American World Bank Manger. There is a cynicism. The word is World Bank but the manager must...

Answer (3):


We aren't a democracy and the World Bank, which was set up at Bretton Woods, NH, is owned by 5 member states I believe and when it was set up the structure was that President of the World Bank is nominated by the President of the United States and elected by the Bank's Board of Governors. That's their Bank and it is set up to help developing countries!

I am surprised you didn't know that MBA PhD!


Firozali, if you provide most of the cash for an organisation (as the USA does for the World Bank) it is only right and fitting that you have the right to nominate the person to run it. When Tanzania becomes a cash rich world power, it to will have this right.


very sad .......but did he ..think he may be pawn .....banks rule ...with interest