Are you happy that your tax dollars are propping up the global banking system?

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Turns out over 50 billion of the 173 Billion give to AIG has been paid to at least 2 dozen American and FOREIGN financial institutions. The U.S. Federal Reserve has refused to publicize a list of AIG's derivative counterparties and what they have been paid since the bailout, riling the U.S. Senate Banking...

Banks in Reserve, NM

Answer (2):

Mark J

Our tax doll,ars have been used to prop up the world, why not the bankers who sold US out? Unfortunately it doesn't matter if you're happy or outraged. You bounce a 5$ check and pay a 36$ fee, late one day and you pay a late fee while your interest rate goes up, savings goes under 10$ you pay a fee. Can't play beat the bank by writting a check anymore because of electronic deposit, they can take what they want because of direct deposit and they know you better than you know yourself from your spending history.
When these banks told corporations to go to China and build, when NAFTA sent our auto and textile work south they forgot that all those good paying jobs were needed so that Americans could pay their bills. Oops! So now we bail out the Banks with no jobs, no savings, no retirement, no home and a national debt of 10 trillion. Nothing for Nothing leaves nothing so it will be interesting to see what gets propped up. I think they'll get what they gave but I can't use those words.

Will S

Not happy at all... things are getting worse, and even the liberal press are beginning to point at Obama!

"Although the administration likes to say it "inherited" the recession and trillion-dollar deficits, the economic wreckage has worsened on Obama's still-young watch.

Every day, the economy is becoming more and more an Obama economy."