Are we going to witness a new" INTIFADAh" in the west bank in the near future?

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The Palestinians suffers under Israeli pressure with settlements and settlers criminal behavior,the Israeli army blocking the roads and making it difficult for Palestinians to move freely,the evacuation of the Palestinians out of their owned homes from east Jerusalem,the indirect negotiation reaching a closed end...

Answer (4):


to people like Dean, so what do YOU think Palestinians should do? There are more attacks against them than by them, land is still being stolen, settlements are still expanding, they have no say in their governing body (it IS an occuaption afterall) people are still being arrested with no charges, tortured (even children) and murdered. Should Palestinians just sit back in take it?


Considering that dreadful wall was the Israeli response to the last one, they might want to rethink the whole Intifada tactic.

However, I don't put it past the Fatah leadership to initiate a new Intifada. Just keep in mind, that Israel responds, and the intifada will probably do more harm that help to peace, and the establishment of a Palestinian state. Also, many lives will be lost (though, not as many because the Israeli defensive wall is there) and it would only alienate more Arabs from Israeli viewpoints, due to the fact of whose holding this intifada. If they were smart, they would realize that the first two failed for a reason.

Billy Jean

"Intifada"(Arabic). The last convulsion before death.
In this sense, we shall most probably see "intifada" of the Arab impostors in the West Bank.

Gerry Owens

No. There are already plans laid as to when they all attack together. All of Israel neighbors. Then the question will no longer be relavent.