A scary thought about the US bank bailout: does this mean....?

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I've had a really scary thought about he US bank bailout. And I mean REALLY scary. IF the Federal Government is taking on the bad debts and the bankrupt banks, then it is in effect taking ownership of the mortgages owned by the bank. Doesn't this mean that, by extension, that THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WILL OWN YOUR...

Banks in Eminence, IN

Answer (4):


This is anathema to the American Dream .. the umbrella has blown inside out at the first whiff of reality to settle since the make-"recovery" from the Thirties Crash Skillfully invented wants and must-haves diffused the focus of can-do to must-have. Let's hope that the focus reverts to American can-do; It's horribly serious should U.S loose it pre-eminence as world power


I feel as though this is a hurried event, just like the war was. Hurry up and spend $700billion dollars? It's ludicrous, we need answers. A good point is, how much money do they really need for the bailout, and how can you prove it. After all it is the money of the American people. If you were to give your son or daughter, or anyone else an insurmountable amount of money you would want to know some details. Is it fair that anyone should just take the money of the people and not supply them with details as to how it will be spent, and what is need? Yes information is suppose to be available to the public, it needs to be shown. After all the News Channels don't mind showing what is going on with Britney when she was showing more than she should, they should welcome the chance to show the American people what is going on with their tax money.

old codger

This bailout is a giant step towards socialism. The liberals have enticed conservatives to ignore the will of the people and give our taxpayer money to the very corporations that ripped us off. It is fine that our 401k plans are getting mauled because of the poor financial decisions on wall street and the negligent monitoring by those entrusted to prevent breakdowns like this. Frank and Dodd should be prosecuted and passing this payoff to wall street should get current members of Congress thrown out. They ignore the will of the people and push this country in the wrong direction.

lantern swinger

Yes, it is a scary thought.

And while socialism touts itself to be about the good of the people, the government decides what is good for the people, looking down their noses at the average citizen with a condescending "we know what's best for you" attitude. This attitude can now be seen in many politicians right here in the good ol' U.S.A.

Yet another shot at liberty.